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RateMyTeam: PoC Tezos Smart Contract App, Support for Combine

It is my pleasure to announce two new projects we have been working on for the last few months: proof of concept iOS app that interacts with a Tezos smart contract RateMyTeam and tezosgen support for Apple’s Combine framework announced at the last WWDC.

PoC App

Our goal at Ackee was to tackle a problem that can be solved with a Tezos smart contract and then build an interface in the form of an iOS app for interacting with it to demonstrate possibilities of Tezos blockchain and our tezosgen toolkit.

Our idea was this: every year we distribute bonuses to the various teams of our company. To make this process transparent, every team member would get a limited number of votes that can be casted to whichever team they felt like performed the best that year. When the vote ends, all tokens from the contract are distributed to the candidates depending on how many votes they have received during the voting process. But this can be expanded to many other use cases!

To use the app, you just need a private key (the app works with Carthagenet) and a contract address – details how to get going are here.

tezos rate my team screens

Combine Support

If you add to the tezosgen generation command `--extensions combine`, you can then interact with contracts easily in your Combine codebase. All calls will have a closure method as well as counterpart that returns `Publisher`. For example to check the status of a contract, you will get provided with these two methods:

// Closure-based function  
func status(completion: @escaping RPCCompletion)  
// Combine counterpart  
func statusPublisher() -> ContractPublisher  


Alongside the PoC app we are publishing a two-part tutorial that goes through the most important development process of the app. Check out Part 1 and Part 2. Also, check out what we do at Ackee Blockchain.

And please, do report any issues if you come across any and let us know what you are building, we are excited to hear from you!

Marek Fořt
Marek Fořt
iOS DeveloperMarek has a passion for opensource and developer tooling, he studies at Faculty of Information Technology at CTU and likes to ride a bike around the city.

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