DownloadManager & Clean Architecture

Android offers a few options for downloading remote files. Each solution has its own tradeoffs. Without getting into those tradeoffs, I’d like to offer a more complete example of how you can use DownloadManager to, well, manage your downloads.
DownloadManager offers a pretty simple API for downloading files. You can create DownloadManager.Request, pointing to the URI of the remote file, set the destination of where you would like the file to be downloaded and some other options, such as the title and description of the notification shown by the system (a nice feature of DownloadManager). Once enqueued, the Android system takes over and manages the rest for you. The user is free to close the app or switch to another app while the file is downloading. Progress is also shown by a system notification.
To begin, I will assume that you already have an API which gives some basic information about available downloads (name and URI). I will use a simple data class for this information.
data class RemoteFileMetadata(val name: String, val uri: String)
From the high level, what does our app need to know about our download? We need to know if the file is already downloaded if it is being downloaded, or if there was an error. We can create CachedFileState to model our domain data:
sealed interface CachedFileState {
val metadata: RemoteFileMetadata
data class NotCached(
override val metadata: RemoteFileMetadata
) : CachedFileState
data class Cached(
override val metadata: RemoteFileMetadata,
val downloadedFile: DownloadedFile
) : CachedFileState
data class Error(
override val metadata: RemoteFileMetadata,
val reason: DownloadError
) : CachedFileState
data class Downloading(
override val metadata: RemoteFileMetadata
) : CachedFileState
This is all the information that our domain layer needs to know about. If your app needs to support extra states such as pending or paused, I would suggest you add those as implementations of CachedFileState.
Our data layer will be responsible for creating CachedFileState based on the information available from DownloadManager. DownloadManager uses system services to manage the download even outside of our own app. But what happens when the app is resumed?
If your app was closed, we will not have the id returned by the DownloadManager.enqueue() API. That means we need to query DownloadManager to find our download. In most cases, the URI should be unique so we can use that to find the status of our download. If your URIs are not well known, you will need another value to manage their identity. That information can be included in the DownloadManager. Request and queried later to match the data. Here is where things get a little less convenient.
DownloadManager's query gives us a Cursor. Cursors have become less common in modern Android development but for our case, it is not too complicated. We simply need to use our URI to find our download id and then translate data from the Cursor into our own. Since other parts of our app do not need to know that we are using DownloadManager, it is a good idea to create our own objects and protect our other components from any dependencies on DownloadManager.
DownloadManager documentation describes 5 states: pending, running, paused, successful and error. I found it useful to create my own classes around these states.
private sealed interface RemoteDownload {
val id: Long
val remoteUri: String
data class Pending(...) : RemoteDownload
data class Running(...) : RemoteDownload
data class Paused(...) : RemoteDownload
data class Successful(...) : RemoteDownload
data class Failed(...) : RemoteDownload
Since DownloadManager will only return data related to our app, we can query it without any filters and map each cursor to a RemoteDownload. Once we have a collection of RemoteDownloads it is easy to map these to CachedFileStates and provide them to our repository. Another thing to note is that working with Cursors can block threads, so it's important to wrap these operations with withContext(Dispatchers.IO). It is a good practice to inject these dispatchers where you need them instead of depending on Dispatchers.IO directly.
Now, that we have an easy way to query DownloadManager, we need to design our repository. In modern apps, Flow is king. So, let's expose a list of CachedFileStates through a Flow like:
interface FileRepository {
fun getCachedFileStateStream(metadata: List<RemoteFileMetadata>): Flow<List<CachedFileState>>
Unfortunately, we’re only able to poll our data source for the status, so we’ll need to implement it with a Flow
builder and delay.
class FileRepositoryImpl : FileRepository {
override fun getCachedFileStateStream(metadata: List<RemoteFileMetadata>): Flow<List<CachedFileState>> {
return flow {
while (true) {
val cacheStates = { getCacheState(it) }
This works fine, and we can even test it. 🎉 You can find some example tests in my repo.
We can optimize this further by sharing the returned flow. This way, we will not have a process polling the download manager for each observer of the stream. 💪
class FileRepositoryImpl(
private val appCoroutineScope: AppCoroutineScope,
private val localFileDataSource: LocalFileDataSource,
private val remoteFileDataSource: RemoteFileDataSource,
) : FileRepository {
override fun getCachedFileStateStream(metadata: List<RemoteFileMetadata>): Flow<List<CachedFileState>> {
return flow {...}
scope = appCoroutineScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(),
replay = 1
To use shareIn we need a common coroutine context. Since our repository should be a singleton, we can inject a coroutine scope created at the app level or, while testing, from our tests.
This design tries to follow clean code and clean architecture practices. It is important to avoid as much logic as possible in the data sources since they are very difficult to test. Data sources usually depend on external libraries such as in our case DownloadManager or a remote API. Making them as simple as we can allows us to create our own implementations that we can use for testing.
Check out my repository for the full source code!