Vivents – Digital marketplace for a new art world

Year: 2021–2022
Client: ArtDeal
IntroductionA new era of digital art
 OutputsUXDesignAndroid appiOS appWeb appBackendTestingDevOps
ChallengeTraditional world through an innovative path
SolutionSimple at first glance, thought through inside
PraxisVirtual space for connoisseurs as well as enthusiasts
„As we consider ourselves a unique platform, we were looking for someone who could deliver a complex solution for our apps and simultaneously deal with all of our design requests. Ackee provided excellent service and proved to us that we chose the right vendor.“
Linus InderbitzinChief Technology Officer


ManagementMarek Elznic
DesignRoman Gordienko
UXMichal Mikolaj
FrontendJiří Čermák
BackendPavel ŠvagrKarina BagalážováZhanybek SadvakassovMichal Vlasák
AndroidPetr PolívkaDavid BilíkEduard Ablekimov
iOSRostislav BabáčekLukáš HromadníkAlexandr GrigoryevVladislav Komkov
DevOpsMartin Beránek
TestingSimona BubeníkováJulia FurmanyukKateřina Tomášková